By 8pm that night I was on the road with my friend Angie for an all night road trip to Wyoming. I must confess I drank my first coke in I don't know how many years to try and stay awake. We made it to my sister's home at 6am. We were able to get cleaned up and then head to the hospital to see this precious baby.
The process of finding a lawyer was a roller coaster. So many gave me no hope, but the Lord was on my side and led me to two wonderful lawyers, one in Wyoming and one in Utah. Plus the social worker who will be doing my home study is a dear friend in my ward.
I have had this sweet baby girl with me since June 16th. We have decided to name her Clara Paulina Jones. Clara has been a special name to me. Paulina is the name of her birth maternal great grandmother. She is absolutely beautiful and such a good baby.
I am not sure how long I will be here in Wyoming. The legal side of this takes quite some time especially since me and the baby reside in different states. I sent my dear friend Angie home on the plane Monday, so she could get back to her family. It has been very difficult being away from my family. I miss them so incredibly that it hurts. Brian has been gone this week as well to Taiwan, so our children have been on there own for the last two weeks. My dear parents are next door and we have so many friends and neighbors that are helping us which is such a blessing. We are going to meet in Evanston this next week, so we can see one another, and they can meet Clara. As long as I stay in the state I am okay to move about. I will be bringing Abby back with me.
Thanks for all the concern, words of encouragement and prayers. I need them. Somedays I think that I am not going to last. I am still not sure if she will be ours, but I have faith that the Lord will do the best for this precious daughter of His. I feel it an honor to be able to take care of her, and give her a good start to her life here on this earth.
I will keep everyone updated on the happenings here. My lawyers our out of town until next week, so hopefully something will transpire then.