Brian has been traveling like crazy. It started when I left for Wyoming back in June and really hasn't let up. He has been gone away from us more then he is at home. I try to not complain, because with this economy we are living in, it is a blessing he has a job. So we enjoy every minute that he is at home.
Thanksgiving will be spent at home this usual. I really like it that way, I am quite the home body. I think we will have about 21 here in our little home which will be wonderful!
Just for fun, I thought I would post some pictures of my sweet kids. Kaylie is really taking a liking to photography, so she is always snapping someone's picture. I think she does a great job. Here are just some of the ones she has taken of her siblings.
My up and coming photographer, Kaylie, with little Clara

My darling little preteen, Madeline, sporting her braces that have brought her nothing but pain. What we do for straight teeth!

My handsome Wesley.
My sweet Abigail.

Oh My!!

This is Clara on Halloween. We didn't have a costume for her, but at the last minute remembered we had some Build A Bear outfits that just might work. Here she is...our little cheerleader!